The best way to measure moisture in concrete prior to measuring is the way that works best for your needs, so long as it falls within the general guidelines of what to measure and how to measure it correctly. There are many different options available for homeowners and professionals alike, some more accurate than others, but all with various pros and cons depending on what you’re measuring and what you want to do with the information gathered after the fact. This list of tips will help you decide which method works best to suit your needs.
Bring Safety Gloves and Goggles
The last thing you want is abrasions, bruising, or scrapes on your hands and face. If you know how to get them, even if they’re only available in some shops or online stores, get yourself a pair of safety gloves and goggles for measuring moisture depth. Even if you’re working around your own home, it will be more convenient than risk potential injury or having to scrub gunk out of your eyes.
Calculate the Area of the Concrete Slab to Be Tested
Begin by measuring the total area of each floor slab that you want to test. This will allow a more accurate measurement of how much water is absorbed by your concrete. You’ll also need to spread out your moisture meters over every surface. Be sure that you use more than one moisture meter when testing different areas of concrete floors. If you’re measuring larger spaces like a parking lot or warehouse, it may be helpful to use several meters at once. That way, they can capture overlapping readings and give a more accurate interpretation of the results. Additionally, each moisture meter will have its operating range, so make sure that yours are compatible with one another before proceeding.
Use a Rotary Hammer Drill with Three or Four Cutting Edges
A rotary hammer drill is one of the most essential tools needed to drill holes in concrete. The drills can be used on concrete, rock, brick, stone, and more. While they are excellent when used by professionals, they also benefit amateurs in their homes or outside areas. When you use a rotary hammer drill that has three or four cutting edges, it is much easier to create clean holes without having jagged sides. By doing so, you’ll have an easier time when you need to place your inspection gauges.
Measure the RH at Each Hole Multiple Times
When you dig a hole, you probably don’t know what’s on each layer of soil. It makes sense to take readings on multiple layers so that you can get an idea of how deep your roots might go. If there is no moisture present in your shallowest readings, it’s essential to dig deeper and see what lies beneath. Keeping the soil moist helps ensure you do not suffer root damage from excessive drought.
Consider Drilling Extra Holes
If you need more than two holes, it’s generally best to drill along your guideline. To ensure consistent drilling every time, make sure you mark where your first hole is, before making each new one. For example, if you had three holes on one line, use another row just beneath it with three holes in it. Each row will be equidistant between holes. Do that until you reach any level of consistency needed! Just remember, to maintain consistent sizes in your measurements, do not drill directly next to an existing hole.