Category Archives: Blog

When to Use Backer Rod: A Comprehensive Guide

When to Use Backer Rod : A Comprehensive Guide for All When should backer rod be used? We’ve got the answers. In this guide, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of backer rods, exploring their purpose, benefits, and ideal applications. Whether you’re a seasoned contractor or a DIY enthusiast, understanding when to use backer […]

Can Waterproofing Be Done From the Inside? Our Expert Methods Unveiled

Water damage can wreak havoc on any structure, and we often find ourselves asking if waterproofing can be done effectively from within. The answer is yes, and our preferred method is cementitious waterproofing. This technique not only seals out moisture but does so without leaving behind any smell or toxic fumes, making it ideal for […]

Best Sealants for Gutters Our Expert Reccomendations and Tips

Choosing the right sealant for your gutters is crucial. A reliable sealant prevents water damage and ensures long-lasting protection against harsh weather. With various options on the market, pinpointing which sealant is best for gutters can be a challenge. Our guide simplifies this decision, focusing on effectiveness, durability, and ease of application to help you […]