MPC Powder Coating: Miracote MPC Hard White 55lb Bag
MPC powder coating Hard White Miracote MPC (Multipurpose Protective Coating) is a polymerized, two component, cementitious protective coating that can be applied over a variety of surfaces including concrete, masonry, metal, wood and tile. It consists of a unique rubber-like polymer liquid that is mixed with a proprietary cement and aggregate blend. Miracote MPC is then typically applied in two or more coats by trowel, brush, roller, spray or notched squeegee and back roll.Questions? Contact us
Designed for both exterior and interior use, Miracote MPC Hard White restores and protects concrete surfaces from the consequences of exposure to water and chloride intrusion, freeze thaw damage and carbonation. An extremely durable, cost-effective protective coating Miracote MPC powder coating is “breathable” and allows for the transmission of inherent moisture vapor within concrete without blistering or delamination. By lowering moisture content within the concrete, Miracote MPC helps reduce the potential for corrosion of steel reinforcement.
• Surface Preparation – All surfaces to be coated must be clean, sound and free from any bond inhibiting substances including, but not limited to, grease, oil and any other contaminants or loosely adhered materials. For concrete substrates, a minimum surface profile of a CSP-3 or higher is required depending on overall substrate conditions and coating requirements. Concrete and other porous or absorptive substrates should be (SSD) saturated surface dry with no standing water at the time of the Miracote MPC application to the substrate.
• Mixing – Miracote MPC powder coating must be mixed mechanically using a low- speed drill with a “Jiffy-type” or similar Miracote-approved mixing paddle in a clean mixing container. Pre-mix Liquid Catalyst first to re- disperse any polymer solids that may have settled on the bottom of the pail. When mixing, always pour the liquid catalyst component into the mixing pail first and slowly add the powder component. The mix ratio of powder to liquid may be slightly modified depending on whether a slurry or trowel-grade consistency is desired. Thoroughly mix the material until a uniform smooth consistency is achieved that is free of lumps and pockets of dry powder.
• Application – Miracote MPC can be applied using a roller, brush, broom, trowel, magic trowel, squeegee or spray equipment. Apply Miracote MPC only on properly prepared substrates and be sure that all voids and bug holes are properly filled by working material into the substrate.
• Always install a minimum 4’ by 4’ test area or job site mock-up for owner approval of acceptable color, texture, finish adhesion and any other critical requirements prior to proceeding with the installation.
• Upon the completion of concrete surface preparation, it is highly recommended to perform in-situ adhesion tests for verification of acceptable substrate tensile strength. Consult ICRI Guideline No. 210.3R-2013 for conducting pull-off tests to evaluate suitable bond of concrete surface materials.
• Prior to application perform concrete surface repair only with MiraPatch pre-packaged repair mortars.
• Verify that the most current versions of product technical data sheets (PTDS), material safety data sheets (MSDS), and installation guidelines (IG) are being utilized for project submittals and application reference.
- Protect materials at all times from excessive heat and cold.
- Precondition liquid catalyst and powder between 55°F(4.5°C) to 80°F(4.5°C) prior to mixing and application.
• Regularly check wet film thickness with mil gauge and monitor product consumption to ensure correct application thicknesses are obtained.
• The proper application of this product is the sole responsibility of the end user. Job site visits by Miracote representatives are only for the purpose of making recommendations. Supervision and quality control are the sole responsibility of the user.
• Measure surface and ambient temperatures to ensure that material is only applied when temperatures are 40°F (4.5°C) and rising during placement and cure time.
• As with concrete and other cementitious or masonry products, surface staining and tire marking may occur. Apply a clear film- forming or penetrating sealer to enhance stain resistance, cleanability and minimize tire marking.
• Natural gray and pigmented cementitious coatings may exhibit color variegation due to fluctuating evaporation rates during cure. For better color consistency, apply a topcoat of MiraGard Colorbond or other Miracote pigmented topcoats.
• Condition the concrete substrate with MiraPrime Aqua-Blok XL to minimize the potential for efflorescence migration and mitigate the corrosion of reinforcing steel at a 95% confidence limit as tested per U.S. Bureau of Reclamation M-82 Standard Protocol to Evaluate the Performance of Corrosion Mitigation Technologies.