USCP Thin Patch V/O: Vertical Overhead 50Ib Bag
USCP Thin Patch V/O is a modified Portland cement based Repair Mortar Mix, containing an integral corrosion inhibitor and dry polymer for added tensile, bond and flexural strengths. USCP Thin Patch V/O is ready to use, requiring only jobsite addition of potable water. Apply in thicknesses from 1/4” to 2” per lift. Questions? Contact Us.
Use on: Bridges, tunnels, balconies, parking decks, manholes, sewers, piers, bulkheads, elevated concrete slabs and slabs on grade.
PREPARATION: Remove all dirt, grease, oil, laitance and curing compounds from concrete, mortar and stone by sandblasting or mechanical roughening. On metals, remove grease, oil, rust and mill scale by sandblasting or wire brushing.
APPLICATION: Be sure mortar is mixed thoroughly to a uniform consistency. Trowel USCP Thin Patch V/O in prepared area and allow mortar to stiffen, then produce desired finish by using float or rubber gloves, forcing mortar in voids. Apply in thicknesses from 1/4” to 2” per lift. If steel trowel finish is required, wet trowel with water. Protect from wind and heat for the first 24 hours. If no primer is used, dampen masonry surface to which US Thin Patch V/O is applied. On a large project, the use of a good curing compound, meeting ASTM C 309, Type I, will prevent loss of moisture and produce good, durable mortar.
PACKAGING: US Thin Patch V/O is packages in 50 lb multi-wall poly lined bags. This product yield is approximately .42 ft³.
LIMITATIONS: US Thin Patch V/O should be used when ambient temperatures are 40ºF (4ºC) and rising. Lower temperatures produce a slower set; higher temperatures produce a faster set. For temperatures below 40ºF (4ºC) consult with the manufacturer for special cold weather placement provisions which include but are not limited to conditioning of the materials, use of heated mix water and thermal protection. In hot weather use chilled water for mixing.
MIXING: Pour 100 fluid oz. of water in pail or mortar mixer. In pail, mix with a slow speed drill, while adding 50 lbs. of US Thin Patch V/O powder slowly to avoid lumps. (Do not mix more than three minutes). Should small quantities be required, be sure to proportion
water accordingly. Masonry surfaces or other absorbent surfaces should be dampened but free of standing water.