Three Reasons You Should Caulk Your Toilet

There has been a polarizing debate among homeowners and plumbers on whether you should caulk your toilet in recent years. Some people believe that caulking could disguise leaks and trap water from an already leaking toilet, resulting in damaging the floors and areas around them. However, this is not true as a leaking toilet would occur through the floors and below them. Caulking is a useful way of enhancing your toilet’s durability and longevity and is highly beneficial for several other reasons. This article covers why you need to caulk your toilet and the potential issues you could face if you do not.

Prevents Odors And Stops Bacterial Growth

Applying sealant to your floor and toilet is essential in preventing odors. Caulking acts as a waterproof, airtight barrier and contains spilled bathwater or overflowing toilet water from seeping between the crevices of the tiles, which can be difficult to clean up. In addition, the water trapped in the gaps over time is likely to emit a stagnant and unpleasant odor caused by mold and bacterial growth.

The moist environment within the unsealed gap between a toilet and floor is an inviting breeding ground for harmful germ growth that could be harmful to your health. Toilets that are not caulked can also risk having wastewater leak into the bathroom floors if the wax seal underneath the base starts to crack. Therefore, it is always important to caulk around the toilet base to be a precautionary measure.

Stabilizes The Toilet Base

Many may not know that caulking is crucial in keeping the toilet in place. In addition to being a sealant that acts as a barrier for moisture, it also acts as a form of bonding agent and adhesive that stabilizes the base of the toilet and anchors it down to the floor. Essentially, it prevents the rubber or wax seal around the underside from breaking if the toilet starts to move too much, which could cause the toilet to leak. Additionally, you won’t want to hear your guests visiting your home thinking that the toilet is wiggling around too much when they use it.

Caulking is also part of the International Plumbing Codes, which advises that fixtures such as sinks and toilets attached to the walls and floors should have a waterproof and airtight sealant in between them to reinforce their stability and adhesion. Therefore, be sure always to caulk your walls, floors, and base of the toilet to prevent future maintenance and repair issues from coming up frequently.

Finished And Polished Look

Caulking can help the end product of your newly renovated toilet appear more polished. A gap between the base of the toilet and the floors can provide the feeling of unfinishedness and can be aesthetically unappealing. In addition to maintaining the sanitary standards of your bathroom, caulking your toilet will also help you significantly in the cleaning process. As many of the sealants are water-based, they are smooth and easy to clean, requiring only water and soap to remove any stains and smear marks. Before finishing off any renovation, caulk your toilet with a waterproof and airtight sealant and achieve that clean and aesthetically appealing look you desire.