Why Waterproofing Your Maryland Basement Makes Sense

Why Waterproofing Your Maryland Basement Makes Sense

If your Maryland home has a basement, odds are it’s unfinished – but maybe that should change.  There are numerous benefits to a finished basement, and it all starts with waterproofing.   Maryland waterproofing services are extremely affordable and could be one of the single best long-term investments you make into home upgrades – especially considering price vs payoff.

Why take the time to waterproof your basement?  Here are just a few reasons to look into it.

Four Reasons It Makes Sense to Waterproof Your Maryland Basement

  • Protecting your home

Being underground, it’s easy for water to penetrate an unfinished basement – and that can present a genuine threat to your home!  A leaky basement is going to be naturally prone to developing mold and mildew, which thrive in damp and dark conditions.  These can seriously harm your home’s value, as well as presenting a potential health threat to anyone living in the home.

In a worst-case scenario, water in the basement can make its way into the house’s walls or foundations, subverting the entire structure.

  • Protecting your possessions

Even if you only plan to ever use your basement for storage, don’t you want your possessions to be protected?  A damp, leaky basement is going to quickly harm a wide variety of items stored in it – particularly clothes, or anything made out of organic products like wood and paper.  Waterproofing your basement protects these things, allowing them to be stored safely for years or decades.

  • Preparing for full finishing

If your home has a basement, why not put it to better use?  A fully finished basement could become anything from a game room or “man cave,” to an entire working apartment suitable for guests or even rental.  However, doing this will require the basement to be fully waterproofed before moving on towards other upgrades such as plumbing or electronics.

  • Improving your home’s resell value

Waterproofing a Maryland basement can do wonders for your home’s resell ability.  Finished basements are increasingly popular among homebuyers, so full waterproofing can easily make it more attractive to buyers.  On the other hand, a damp musty-smelling basement can easily be a turnoff to those same buyers.  Maryland waterproofing is a small investment that could bring big returns later down the line.

Shop Waterproofing Products & Solutions in Maryland

Metro Sealant proudly provides excellent waterproofing supplies to Maryland and the entire country.  Click here to browse our full product catalog!