Common Maryland Waterproofing Mistakes


Common Maryland Waterproofing Mistakes We See in Construction

Waterproofing begins on the drawing board.  In our work providing Maryland waterproofing and sealing solutions, we see a lot of buildings where mistakes were made very early in the process.  These mistakes led to leaky buildings, in situations where it would have been avoidable.

These are just a few of the common mistakes we see that any architect or builder should watch out for before it becomes a permanent feature.

Three Common Causes of Maryland Waterproofing Failures in New Buildings

  • Poorly sloped roofs

Typically – and according to most building codes – a roof should have a minimum slope of at least one-quarter inch per foot.  The problem is when multiple shallow roof slopes meet to form a valley.  The resulting valley will have a much shallower, or even nonexistent, slope.  This leads directly to pooling whenever it rains, creating patches on the roof which remain soaked.

Few waterproofing solutions can stand up to this, so it’s vital to eliminate such valleys.  Maintaining a slope of at least one-half inch per foot on these intersecting roof segments can do the trick.

  • A lack of sloping on substrates 

Moving to the ground, another common mistake happens under the ground.  Many builders assume that just because the surface materials are sloped, the water will be under control.  However, this neglects the fact that nearly all surface materials are porous, and water will find its way into the ground.

If there isn’t a sloped substrate encouraging this groundwater to move away from the construction, you’ll start getting water trapped underground.  This can make its way back towards the building or undermine the surface-level features above.

  • Poor construction of wooden decks

Wooden decks without proper waterproofing and drainage aren’t merely a problem – they can be deadly!  If the deck becomes saturated, it can fail catastrophically, taking anyone nearby down with it.

Wood waterproofing products are fine protection against rain and other incidental water, but they cannot hold up against immersion.  Standing water will start working its way into the wood.  So, decks must always be designed to utilize slopes (or slats) which allow the water to move on, otherwise they’ll be vulnerable to collapse.

Metro Sealant Has Your Maryland Waterproofing Solutions!

Since 1989, we’ve been a top provider of waterproofing and sealing solutions to Maryland, Virginia, and surrounding areas.  Shop online to browse our full catalog, or contact us with your questions.