Paraseal Paragranular: 50 Ib Bentonite
Paraseal Paragranular is a premium, Wyoming-type, high swelling, granular, sodium bentonite. When in the presence of water, Paraseal Paragranular reacts and forms an impervious waterproof gel. Questions? Contact Us.
Paragranular is designed to work in conjunction with Paraseal products to form a waterproof transitional seal. It is used to form a cove at all horizontal to vertical transition, at floor/wall transitions and penetrations through horizontal surfaces, and to fill voids around irregularities. Saltwater grade Paragranular is also available upon request.
Immediately available from your local Tremco Sales Representative or Distributor. For Distributor locations, visit
50-lb (22.7-kg) bags yielding approximately 37 linear ft (11.28 m)
Tremco warrants its Products to be free of defects in materials but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco
makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for a particular purpose with respect to Tremco Products. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of Tremco Products proven to be defective, and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage.