Henry DB 200S: Henry Drainboard
Henry DB 200S products consist of multiple components designed to enhance the performance of Henry protected membrane roofing and waterproofing systems. Henry DB 200S consists of a polystyrene or PVC core combined with a polypropylene fabric. Polymeric films attached to the Henry DB provide additional protection for softer waterproofing systems. Questions? Contact Us.
Henry DB is used as a component of a Henry high performance protected membrane roofing assembly or waterproofing assembly in both horizontal and vertical applications. The Henry DB enhances the performance of the watertight layer by directing water quickly and safely to a drain and drain system. Used in protected membrane roofing applications, retaining walls, plaza deck waterproofing, parking structures, roof gardens and planters, foundation walls and other areas where a high performance system is desired. Henry DB 200-S – Designed for vertical and horizontal installations requiring a high compressive strength and moderate flow capacity.
Place Henry DB with fabric side up in the case or horizontal applications and outwards for vertical applications. Attach to vertical surfaces using Henry cold applied adhesives, two sided tape, and nails driven through washers, or other approved method.
Vertical Application: Start at the top or bottom of the wall. Rolls may be applied horizontally or vertically. When installed horizontally, the edge of the core with the flange should be at the top. When installed vertically, the flange should be at the upstream edge. This flange position minimizes the seepage of water behind the drain similar to the way roof shingles work.
Horizontal Application: The edge of the core with the flange should be at the higher edges of the substrate, away from the drains.
Overlaps: Pull back loose fabric to expose drain core. Position core of second panel over the overlap flange of first panel. Overlap in direction of water flow. Tuck fabric behind core at all outside edges.
Corners: Bend drain to make inside corners. For outside corners, cut Henry DB to reach corner and provide 3” or extra fabric to wrap around corner. Attach drain to wall and overlap fabric at joint.
Backfilling: Soil should be placed and compacted directly against the drain.